When a person first uses a full body LED light therapy bed they may experience many unexpected and positive side effects. They might notice their back pain releases and they sleep better. They might find their hair gets thicker and their skin tone improves. They might even gain weight! These are just some of the unexpected benefits of a pbm bed that is wavelength, pulse and dose optimized.
LED light therapy is also known as low-level laser or photobiomodulation. It is a non-invasive, all natural treatment that uses red and near infrared light to help the body heal itself. It stimulates cellular activity, increases ATP production and helps the body perform at optimal levels. It has been shown to reduce the signs of aging, increase nitric oxide and promote tissue repair.
A red light LED bed is a device that emits low level red and near infrared light for a period of time while the individual lies down. These types of devices can be found in high-end spas, wellness facilities and esthetician offices as well as gyms. They are FDA approved to relieve a variety of minor aches and pains.
A red LED light panel is a portable device that is much smaller than a full body LED light bed. These types of systems are more like a bicycle than a car. They are more affordable than a full body LED bed and require minimal space to use. They also typically offer fewer wavelength options, programming and have limited irradiance. Lastly, these systems have to be manually adjusted with the user standing up and self-regulating their distance from the lights to maintain the correct dosage.